In this folder are some last-second fonts, added just before this CD was printed. (Maybe they will form the start of a Font Pro 6 or 7.) ***"Argenta"*** and ***"ArgentaBobbed"*** These are fairly neat hand-printed fonts. The second has little balls on the end, a type of style I have long thought of doing and finally did. ***"Dschoyphul"*** This rather sloppy square-serif font is an attempt at the grunge look, which has become enormously popular in the past few years. Grunge fonts are meant to be ugly and distorted, and since I find it a major stuggle to get fonts that are not ugly and distorted, I thought it would be fun, and easy, to some that are. ***"Grundee"*** This font is another attempt at a grunge-type font. This one has a more rounded look than Dschoyphul. ***"Kids Fonts"*** Included here are four fonts done by three of my sons. Sometimes people want fonts that look like they were done by children. Here are the real thing. They are very grungy. ***"LeekorLeech"*** and ***"LeakorLeach"*** "LeekorLeech" was done with the pressure sensitive pen using Fontographer. I drifted a bit as I did it so that I do not think the upper-case letters match the lower-case, and also the thin parts were so thin that the whole thing was hard to read, but I thought it had enough possibilities to continue working on. Modifying it gave LeakorLeach, with a completely different set of upper-case letters, with everything else a bit heavier. These two fonts are considerably different from anything else I have done. ***"Spicandspan"*** There are quite a few "Old-West" fonts that have thick serifs and thin verticals. This typeface keeps the look, but instead of the square serifs which are usually on these letters, it uses very round serifs. It also has some curve in many of the verticals. It is very decorative, and I think it is one of the more interesting typefaces on this CD. (If I had done it earlier, it would be highlight of the main collection, an I would probably have done some variations on it.) It does not have a true lower case, but repeats, with some variations, the upper-case letters on the lower-case keys. ***"WalcomeOne"*** This is a hand-printed font that is mildly sloppy. Robert Schenk November 1995